Sunday, October 5, 2008

Travel and Health

As a follow up on the healthy post I wrote last week, I can't help but mention another side of staying healthy that is a lot more complicated - getting sick.   

I'm a little torn about the subject as I get sick more often than most people I know do, and I'm sure it's about the lifestyle I live, and yet I don't think that I'm doing anything wrong, just things out of the ordinary.  I expose myself to bugs that my body didn't grow up being exposed to, so I haven't built up the same resistances that those over here have. 

The question remains: is traveling more, exposing myself to more bugs and getting sick more often good for my body in the long run?  Will this built up strength in my immune system save me down the road?

While that remains to be seen, continuing a healthy lifestyle is going to require a lot more than just exercise and a decent diet.  I need to work on my resting patterns - not let myself get overworked, overstressed and under slept.   I'm sick right now and that may be due to the weird sleeping hours and over exhaustion during traveling, as well as poor sanitary habits - I drank out of the same beer cup as my friend who was sick.    I wonder how often I do this - I need to start paying more attention to that as well to keep my body in tip top shape.

I hope to put my healthy habits on auto-pilot someday so I can keep my mind focused on something else, but for now It's obvious that I'm doing some things wrong.  I was sick 2 weeks ago and am sick again.  This has to stop and it will take a lot of small changes to get there.  Next time I travel I will take more precautions regarding health, as it can ruin a trip (it hurt my last two days) and it can make things harder when I come back.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, yeah, i dunno, I don't get sick too often myself, although i've been getting more severe allergies as of late. I think for me, the key to my success is staying in shape and staying super unstressed, as you well know. But I don't think that being as unstressed as me is really your style, so I think the best thing you can do is to keep a healthy diet and stay fit. They say that exercise is the #1 factor in preventing a lot of things, so I think that as long as you do that, you'll be fine. Obviously being in another country will wreak havok on your immune system more than your home country, but it's like they say, whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger :P. Keep up the good work in staying in shape, I believe in you man!